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E-navigation is a strategy developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a UN specialized agency, to facilitate digitalisation and automated exhange of information between vessels and between vessels and authorities.

In light of the rapid technological developments in maritime transport, both infrastructure and services must be adapted to changing needs and requirements. E-navigation facilitates digital, automatic and seamless exchange of information between ships and between ships and authorities, and is an important part of the Norwegian Coastal Administration's efforts going forward.

The NCA's e-navigation work

Based on the IMO's e-navigation strategy, the Norwegian Coastal Administration is working to digitise maritime information services, and simplify and facilitate necessary information for navigators. An example is to facilitate important navigation information in digital map solutions.

The goal is to increase maritime safety for commercial shipping through:

  • easier and more efficient information flow between ships, and between ships and authorities
  • simplification of work processes to navigators and authorities

An example of e-navigation is the digital route service where users have access to reference routes through maps, information about current regulations and other voyage-related information. The routes can be loaded directly into the vessels' electronic chartplotters on board.

In particular, the Norwegian Coastal Administration works with digitalisation of information and maritime safety services:

  • Information from the Vessel Traffic Service
  • Security-related information.
  • Notification of hazards.
  • Quality assured sailing routes.
  • Information about weather and sea conditions.
  • Information related to pilotage and arrival reporting.

Global implementation

The IMO has developed a strategic implementation plan for e-navigation. It facilitates more use of electronic systems in maritime transport, and more exchange of electronic information between ships and authorities.

The IMO's global implementation strategy includes five main solutions that focus on:

  • Improved bridge design.
  • Automated ship reporting.
  • Integrity and quality of information and bridge equipment.
  • Presentation of information in various displays on board vessels and ashore, including map solutions and other displays.
  • Digitalisation and development of various information services that are traditionally analogue and fragmented.

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Value for the maritime sector

More digitized information services can facilitate more optimal voyages and better traffic flow. At the same time, user-friendly digital information services will help reduce the risk of human error and accidents at sea, and enable tasks to be performed safer and more efficiently.

Benefits of digitalisation of maritime services:

  • Simplification of administrative work for shipping and authorities.
  • Digital information facilitation for navigators can help reduce the number of unwanted incidents due to human error.
  • Reduced bunker consumption and hence reduced greenhouse gas emissions from ships.
  • Strengthened situational awareness and navigational safety.
  • Reduced the risk of accidents.
  • Global harmonisation of services and digital information for maritime transport can reduce costs and increase maritime safety.



Jon Leon Ervik /
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