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Navigational warnings

The NCA is responsible for sending navigational warnings for the Norwegian Sea, the Greenland Sea and the western part of the Barents Sea, an area known by mariners as NAVAREA XIX. We are also the national coordinator for coastal warnings for the Norwegian coast and the coast of Svalbard.

We will try to keep our websites continuously updated with current navigation warnings, but for reasons beyond our control, we cannot guarantee that our websites are up to date at all times.

The website is therefore not intended to be a substitute for, or an alternative to, the ordinary navigational warning service. Thus, the publication of navigation warnings on the website does not exempt seafarers from the responsibility of following official navigation warnings sent over NAVTEX, SafetyCast and SafetyNET in accordance with national regulations and SOLAS provisions.

  • NAVAREA XIX Warnings

    Get updates on navigational warnings for the Norwegian Sea, the Greenland Sea and the western part of the Barents Sea.

Many of the aids to navigation along the Norwegian coast are automated and unmanned. It is therefore important that mariners notify us of casualties to lights, buoys and other aids to navigation.

Other situations that could pose a risk to vessel traffic must also be reported. Examples of such situations could be, but is not limited to: shooting exercises, drifting objects, downed high-voltage cable, grounded vessel, sunken vessel or drifting fishing tool. 

Pre-planned activities must be reported to the Norwegian Notices to Mariners (NtM) on email to: efs@kartverket.no

Notify casualties to aids to navigation and other incidents on the Norwegian coast to:

The National Coordinator for Navigational Warnings

Tel: +47 22 42 23 31
Fax: +47 22 41 04 91
Email: navco@kystverket.no

Notify incidents in the Norwegian Sea, the Greenland Sea and the western part of the Barents Sea to:


Tel: +47 78 94 30 00
Fax: +47 78 98 98 99
Email: navarea19@kystverket.no

NAVAREA is the maritime geographical area where various authorities are responsible for navigation and weather forecasts.

Ski, Trond

Email: trond.ski@kystverket.no

Mobile phone: +4795190801

Position: Seniorrådgiver

Area: virksomhetsområdet for navigasjonsteknologi og maritime tjeneste

Unit: staben for navigasjonsteknologi og maritime tjenester

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