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Contact the VTS service

Contact information to VTS service centres.

  • Horten VTS area

    VHF call sign: Horten VTS

    VHF channel 19 (Inner Oslofjord)
    VHF channel 18 (outer Oslofjord)

    Email: vts.horten@kystverket.no

    +47 33 03 49 60 (area North, VHF channel 19)
    +47 33 03 49 53 (area south, VHF channel 18)
    Alternative contact: +47 47 46 54 48
    Telephone number Iridium: 00 88 16 52 44 34 89

  • Brevik VTS area

    VHF call sign: Brevik VTS

    VHF channel 80

    Email: vts.brevik@kystverket.no

    Telephone: +47 35 57 26 20
    Alternative contact: +47 95 28 93 32
    Telephone number Iridium: 00 88 16 77 12 89 99


  • Kvitsøy VTS area

    VHF call sign: Kvitsøy VTS

    VHF channel 19 (area North)
    VHF channel 18 (area South)

    Email: vts.kvitsoy@kystverket.no

    +47 51 73 60 33 (area North)
    +47 51 73 60 32 (area South)
    Alternative contact: + 47 95 11 60 32
    Telephone number Iridium: 00 88 16 52 43 86 40

  • Fedje VTS area

    VHF call sign: Fedje VTS

    VHF channel 80 (area North)
    VHF channel 71 (area South)

    Email: vts.fedje@kystverket.no

    +47 56 16 44 32 (area North)
    +47 56 16 44 30 (area South)
    Alternative contact: +47 90 67 69 20
    Telephone number Iridium: 00 88 16 52 43 71 39

  • Kinn VTS area

    VHF call sign: Kinn VTS

    VHF channel 18

    Email: vts.kinn@kystverket.no 

    Telephone: + 47 70 23 11 23
    Alternative contact: +47 95 28 93 32
    Telephone number Iridium: 00 88 16 77 12 89 99

  • Melkøya VTS area

    VHF call sign: Nor VTS

    VHF channel 71

    Email: nor.vts@kystverket.no

    Telephone: +47 78 98 98 98
    Alternative contact: +47 90 24 53 39
    Fax: +47 78 98 98 99
    Telephone number Iridium: 00 88 16 21 41 90 09

  • Information service for Barents SRS and routing schemes (TSS) in Norway - NOR VTS

    VHF call sign: NOR VTS

    VHF channel 16

    Email: nor.vts@kystverket.no

    Telephone area north of N65: +4778989901
    Telephone area south of N65: +4778989898
    Alternative contact: +4790245339
    Fax: +4778989899
    Telephone number Iridium: 00 88 16 21 41 90 09

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