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Port Facility Security / ISPS

All port facilities that receive calls from ships in international traffic must have a security plan that has been approved by the Norwegian Coastal Administration. The security plan must be based on a vulnerability analysis and include security measures to be implemented by the port facility.

  • Port Facility Security /ISPS

    The ISPS code (International Ship and Port Facility Security) is the international regulations for securing ships and port facilities. The purpose of the security measures is to prevent and obstruct security-related incidents that may damage the ports, the port facilities or the ships that call in …
  • SafeSeaNet Norway

    Book a pilot and send arrival and departure information to Norwegian authorities and ports.

  • Kystinfo

    See our map service for maritime information.

Useful resources

Guide to Going Ashore in Undesignated Areas


Guideline based on Regulation no. 538 of 29 May 2013 Concerning Port Facility Security

Guide Published Updated

Handbook - Port Security Awareness.pdf


From the Harbour Master’s Office Safety and Security in Port of Antwerp

Andre dokumenter Published Updated
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