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Sharing on environmental preparedness with the international community

The Norwegian Coastal Administration's environmental preparedness team is participating this week at the International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC 2024) in New Orleans. We are sharing our own expertise and experiences while also learning from others. We have presented two lectures on key topics in oil spill response and environmental preparedness that have gained significant international interest.

Øyvind Rinaldo presented our analysis tools AISyRISK, EnviRisk, and RespRisk, with content contributions from Vivian Jakobsen. Silje Berger presented results from the international environmental project IMAROS 1 and outlined plans for IMAROS 2. Colleagues Bjørn Frost, Jan Willie Holbu, Hilde Dolva, and Ingvild A. Frogner collaborated as co-authors on these presentations.

Additionally, the Norwegian Coastal Administration has contributed as co-authors to presentations of research and development projects held by DNV and Sintef during the conference. These projects are partially funded by environmental preparedness.

Steinar Lodve Gyltnes, Head of Logistics and Technology Development at the Environmental Preparedness department is also present at the conference. "It's great to see that Norway, through the Norwegian Coastal Administration, contributes to advancing the knowledge base and operational preparedness against acute pollution—not only domestically but also internationally," he comments proudly.

DNV: Shoreline – Circumpolar Oil Spill Response Viability Analysis (S-COSVRA) – The Svalbard Pilot Study. Co-authors from MB: Synnøve Lunde, with contributions from Trond Hjort-Larsen.

Sintef: Chemical characteristics and acute toxicity of low sulfur fuel oils and their fate and behavior in cold water and Arctic conditions. Co-authors from MB: Silje Berger, Jon-Arve Røyset.

Sintef: Weathering and toxicity of biofuels and their dispersant effectiveness – A laboratory study. Co-authors from MB: Silje Berger, Hilde Dolva, Jan Willie Holbu.

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